Incomprehensible Blathering

The shallow stream is easily crossed. The shallow mind, even more so.


Quote and a little

Loneliness... is and always has been the central and inevitable experience of every [hu]man. -Thomas Wolfe, novelist (1900-1938)
I do (still) find it amazing that often I feel the loneliest when I'm with other people, especially large groups of people. I wonder if that's what drives some people to be they don't feel lonely in the group they're leading. *shrug*



I finally managed to make some time to work on the yard this last weekend. There was still a large number of leaves from last fall scattered around. Along with the help of my sweetheart of a GF, I was able to get most of it cleaned up. I then mowed the lawn and spread lime on the lawn. I even managed to pump up the tires on our bikes and take my first ride of the season. It was only about 6 miles, but it was a good start for the butt. Surprisingly, I'm not feeling any deleterious effects what-so-ever. This was all on Saturday.

On Sunday, after doing a bit of running around to get some plants for the garden (my GF's project, not mine), I then seeded the lawn in white clover. I'm hoping it will grow well and possible drown out the actual grass. I'd love a lawn that was all white clover, at least in theory. I also trimmed the dead branches off several trees in the back yard. One in particular looks like it will need more than trimming. It looks like lightening may have struck it as there is a large blackened area down one side of the tree and there are only a few leaves on the whole thing. *sigh* I feel bad for the tree and am not looking forward to the attempted removal.

I managed to get my class grading done this weekend, too. Overall, the classes did well with a few here and there who decided to stop attending. There were a few as well that truly bombed the final exam but that's to be expected. Some people just don't try and others have alternate priorities.

Work remains far too interesting for words. :p



Heresy is only another word for freedom of thought. -Graham Greene, novelist and journalist (1904-1991)
As a matter of fact, the etymology of the word suggests that it simply means "to choose". Heaven forbid we should actually choose something. :-p


Traffic Cop

Tuesday last I did something a bit odd and (I think) somewhat out of character. I was walking to my T'ai Chi class and in so doing, have to cross a very busy, poorly regulated and moderately dangerous four lane intersection. This I usually do with no notable trouble as I simply either resign myself to waiting until there is a clear patch or time things such that I am able to cross relatively safely even though some of the lanes have cars and trucks zooming by at 35 to 40 miles per hour. (Mind you, the speed limit is 25 mph.) In my opinion, the intersection has needed traffic control lights since some university classes started being held at the YMCA. This is about 10 years now. On Tuesday, I chose the slither method and even though there were people waiting to cross on both sides, I was the only one to cross. I even managed to do so without inconveniencing or getting hit by any of the vehicles. After crossing, I looked at the somewhat desperate people on both sides of the street waiting to cross and something must have finally snapped inside me. I turned right around and walked out into traffic holding my arms palm out, stopping all four lanes. Once they were stopped, I waved the pedestrians across and walked back to my desired side of the street, staring down one particular jerk-off who was revving his engine at me.

Looking back on it, I realize full well I could have been hit and possibly killed but at that particular moment, it didn't matter. I'd had enough, enough of the speeding traffic, enough of the lack of control and enough of the lack of respect for pedestrians, just plain enough. At the same time, if I had been hit and/or killed, maybe the city would finally consider putting a demand-light at that intersection. Either way, it helped, if only for a moment.

Work is devouring most of my time right now which is why I've not been posting much, but this one was just too odd not to note. Peace.


Quick quote before the weekend

Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, then that of blindfolded fear. -Thomas Jefferson, third US president, architect and author --- (1743-1826)
Although I doubt everyone would agree with this statement, I rather liked it and although I believe in a Being similar to the description of God, that does not mean that I have not questioned Its existence. My big thing is, find your own.


A perfect quote for my work place...

Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that! -Lewis Carroll, mathematician and writer (1832-1898)