Incomprehensible Blathering

The shallow stream is easily crossed. The shallow mind, even more so.


What life is this, that loses the spark and the flavor of each passing day? How is it that one day, I'm happy and content, relatively speaking and then "whamo", the next day, I'm sullen and grouchy. My guess would be that I let those around me and their reactions toward me govern my moods over much. Besides, losing friends will do that to you. And the "odd" part is, it has to happen. There is absolutely nothing I can do to change it or alter the outcome save possibly to make it worse for all parties concerned. This actually happened some time ago, but I've been going through so many other things lately that I've not had time to comment on it. Oh well, it would have done no good to comment anyway. The only comment I have now is that, although it was a truly painful experience to have two people I had considered close friends excuse themselves from my life, I have learned from this experience. And, although they shall never be replaced, for, at least in my opinion, people can never be replaced, I am grateful for the time we shared. You taught me much and now that you are elsewhere, I have the time for other friends, friends which I probably would not have found if the time and interest hadn't been there. So, in a way, my old friends finding time for other things has opened doors I had not considered. Interesting how life can throw a curve and a slow-pitch at the same time. I hope I can see the slow-pitch as well as the curve next time. Incidentally, my old friends are still welcome in my life if they so choose but I will not pursue. Like holding sand, the more the hand is clenched, the more sand slips between the fingers.