Incomprehensible Blathering

The shallow stream is easily crossed. The shallow mind, even more so.


The Matrix has you...

The movie The Matrix was, I think, surprisingly accurate conceptually speaking if not in details. I came to the realization this morning that we, as a human race, are living very much like people live in The Matrix. We enjoy the basic construct, i.e. conceptual space in which we participate in life, and then the rest, i.e. the planet, the air, the ground, buildings, etc. are created for us. A notable difference is that the sundry isn't created by a computer; rather it is created by the minds of the people on the planet. Collectively speaking, they have the ability to create the physical reality around them. They also, as a group, create the social mores and the interactive methods utilized by societies.

So who are the hackers? The "hackers" are people who have learned that they can create their own reality and don't have to wait for permission from the social mass, often known as the "tribe". They are the mystics and the magicians, the healers and the psychics. Many people are working to become "hackers" so that they can have not only a better life for themselves but a better life for the world as a whole.

So who are the agents? The "agents" are not so much people as they are personifications of the tribal mentality. They seem to exude the idea that you must conform; you must be pretty much like every one else and fit in your little box or you will be shamed until you crawl into your little box of your own accord. As Morphius so accurately states, they are no one and they are everyone.

So where does this leave us? It puts us in a position to understand that we don't have to listen to the tribe anymore. We have the ability to unplug from the tribal mentality and co-create a better reality. Now we know the path. The experience will be walking it.


Exhaustion seems to have set in. That brisk walk in zero degree temperatures must have sapped what little snarl I had left. Sleep now beckons with an iron-clad hand and he is not to be denied any longer.

Where's God?

The Gods of men are lost; can you find them? Maybe they're in that new 36" television you've been wanting. Maybe they're in that new cordless drill you've had your eye on. Maybe they're in that giant plate of lasagna you're going to have for a late-night snack or that bag of chips you're going to eat while watching a movie on your new DVD player. Maybe that new X-Box gaming console has them trapped. Maybe....

Perhaps they're swimming in that ninth bottle of beer or that seventh wine cooler. Maybe they're chilling out in that joint you just rolled or in that line of white powder on the mirror. Who knows, maybe they're even in that syringe your buddy lent you.

Oh wait, I know where they are. They must be in that big brick building with the steeple and the cross on top. Or maybe it was that other place where you leave people agog with your sins. Maybe you have to face east while you press your forehead against the floor to find God or maybe you need a jade statue of a large fat man. Hmm, maybe the Gods aren't there either.

Maybe, just maybe, you could look inside yourself. Look into your heart to find genuine love and compassion. Then take what you find there and show it to everyone you meet. Who knows, if enough people do this, maybe we wouldn't need to search inside materialism, mind altering substances and outdated traditions for that spiritual link. Maybe we'd find it in each other, instead.


"Judge not, lest yee be judged." It's a great statement, one which I have repeated to myself and others innumerable times. I didn't think I'd need to be on the "protected" side of it so often, though. Oh well. These are truly good words to live by, even more so based on the reading which I have been doing.

Just because you don't like a person's actions doesn't mean that you should judge the person or even the action, necessarily. Ask first, why is that person executing that action? What is the intent behind the action? Are you sure you wouldn't do the same given the same set of circumstances and even if you wouldn't, the circumstances can never be the same because you are not that person. You do not have their life experiences nor do you have their life's journey ahead of you.

Finally, it isn't good for you. The energy that you draw unto yourself by judging others can be very damaging to your cell tissue. Instead of passing judgment, try to show mercy. You'll probably like yourself better in the morning and are more likely to receive said mercy in future. You never know when you might need it.