Incomprehensible Blathering

The shallow stream is easily crossed. The shallow mind, even more so.


Conversations in the dark

My father called yester-eve. The original intent of the call was a computer question or two. His are, for the most part, easy enough to answer. But, as is the wont of our conversation, it soon turned to life events and the living there of. This gentlemen is a Catholic convert and a conservative Catholic at that. I do not fault him for his faith. I like to think I have a similar level of faith, though perhaps in a different (type of) deity. I do have some issues with his judgmental attitude. He is so sure he's right, he's so sure Catholicism is the one, true path, he's so sure that unless I change my ways (primarily, so that I would believe in Christ as the only way to Heaven), my immortal soul is doomed to Hell. *shrug* Oh well. If this is the case, then I'll be with my friends, anyway.

Tonight we discuss morality and the concept of gays and lesbians in regard to morality. Since my best friend in this world happens to be a lesbian, you might be able to guess where I stand on this issue. Since he's Catholic, you might be able to guess where he stands on this issue. *sigh* Oh well on that, too. I won't bore you with the rest of the conversation leading down twisted paths of ultimate truth and ultimate morality. It seems to come down to the idea that some believe that there is only one true path, period, while others tend to believe in a multitude of paths which all lead to pretty much the same destination but which tend to offer a variety of life experiences along the way. - Blah, blah, blah.

Seems to be bed time.


Listening to a book

My most recent ex-wife recently found some of my CD's and was kind enough to return them to me. Among them were the four books of Tolkien and although "The Hobbit" is a good prelude, but I truly enjoy "The Lord of the Rings". To that end, I am listening to the unabridged version of "The Fellowship of the Ring" again. I've listened to it before and of course read the books many times but the writing is so good I love to listen to it again. I would love to be able to write like him. His style (although verbose) is so enjoyable to me.

Ah, Boromir; though tempted were you by power, such an end you made as is worthy of song. 20 at least he slew, and 4 were greater than the usual orc, half-orc by all counts. 'Tis an end befitting a great warrior.


Another quote? Couldn't be...

Let the gods avenge themselves. -Roman law maxim, on blasphemy


I really liked this maxim. It would be nice if more people left the defense of "God" to God. We'd probably have fewer issues in certain, religiously zealous countries.


Even more quotes

One owes respect to the living. To the dead, one owes only the truth.
-Voltaire, philosopher and writer (1694-1778)


More quotes

If it is committed in the name of God or country, there is no crime so heinous that the public will not forgive it. -Tom Robbins, writer (1936- )

The love of one's country is a splendid thing. But why should love stop at the border. -Pablo Casals, cellist, conductor, and composer (1876-1973)



The moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life - the sick, the needy and the handicapped. -Hubert Horatio Humphrey, US Vice President (1911-1978)
I've been in the "shadows" for the past week. I hope I feel better soon. This is ridiculous.


Reminders of Spring

Reminders of Spring Posted by Hello

I don't post a lot of photos mainly because I don't take a lot of photos anymore, but I was perusing my collection and thought it would be nice to remind myself that Spring will likely return again. Of course, this photo was taken last July but that's irrelevant at the moment.

I've not posted here in a while primarily because I've been too busy to do much of anything. That changed last Wednesday when I came down with the flu and became too sick to do much of anything. Unfortunately, I've been quite ill ever since. Wednesday was bad enough that I couldn't get out of bed save to hobble to and from the commode while Thursday and Friday were better, they still were not pleasant. I'd like to say that I'm feeling great today, but to do so would be a bold faced terminological inexactitude. Still, I'm capable of moving, albeit slowly and still for only limited periods of time, but at least I can get food and water and not be a complete invalid. The gurgling in my lungs is getting a little old though, so I'm hoping a good share of the phlegm finds sticky refuge elsewhere.

I found out that my illness is not exactly local. According to various sources, my entire state is afflicted to some degree with approximately 50% of the people in the state having the bug. I have no problem believing that number as I know it's closer to 80% at my workplace.

Here's the map of Wisconsin:

And here's a regional map of flu reports provided by The Weather Channel:

So here's to bright, pleasant thoughts of Spring and wishes of good or at least quickly recovering health.