Incomprehensible Blathering

The shallow stream is easily crossed. The shallow mind, even more so.


Vacation count down.

Yes, I'm leaving this dreary state and heading south for a week. The tickets are purchased, the reservations are made at the friend's house and the preliminary request for cat care has been made and accepted. Details need some ironing. I think I'm even looking forward to it, though the thought of flying through Detroit makes my stomach churn. Still, the visit and the time away from this snow-bound tar pit may do me some good.

In other news, I set up another BLOG on this site. Don't bother looking for it as it's a watered down version of this one. I set it up for my family. Of course the only people who have even bothered to look at it (only once each, mind you) have been my mother and my first ex-wife. How disappointing. I actually thought my family was moderately interested in what I do on a day-to-day basis. I guess I thought too much of myself and although this is not a first for me, it doesn't happen very often.

Well folks, time for bed. I hope everyone has a great new year.



I'm finally done with grades. I was a bit less lenient on attendance this semester which means that far more people than usual received B's and C's. Some even received D's, but they had to work extra hard for those. It's a good feeling to have that done. As I have often said, I'd love this teaching gig a lot more if it weren't for the paper work.

I took today off to work on the grades among other things. Considering I have 0.8 hours I'm supposed to work between now and the end of the year, I didn't think it was a horrible idea. Unfortunately, I could have been mistaken.

The bellows I've been using recently may not have been designed for heavy use. Fortunately, a small application of the silver/gray substance which holds the universe together seems to have not only repaired it but made it better than when it was new. Now it really blows. ;-)

One of my room mates seems to have set up peer to peer (file sharing) on his computer. The legality of it doesn't bother me in the slightest. What he does is up to him. The bad part is that it bogs my Internet connection. You'd think 3 Meg down would be enough, but it doesn't seem to be.

Speaking of 3 Meg down, I just received a letter in the mail today from the benevolent Charter Communications. They have graciously decided to start charging me an extra $2.00 a month for my Internet service. If DSL was actually available in my area, I'd switch in a heart-beat. (Okay, maybe 2 heart beats, but no more than 3 for sure.) I can receive cheaper video programming not to mention cheaper and better Internet. *shrug* Oh well. Better Charter than no one. I did that in New London several years ago, now. That was painful.

Now all I have to do is pay the bills and buy the plane tickets. :p


Quote on happiness

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.
-Albert Schweitzer, philosopher, physician, musician, Nobel laureate


I am in the habit of looking not so much to the nature of a gift as to the spirit in which it is offered. -Robert Louis Stevenson, novelist, essayist, and poet (1850-1894)


To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter... to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird's nest or a wildflower in spring - these are some of the rewards of the simple life.
-John Burroughs, naturalist and writer (1837-1921)



A Christian feast commemorating the birth of Jesus.
December 25, the day on which this feast is celebrated.

According to, anyway.

Until recently, it has been for me a time of travel. Rushing around here and there, driving to Indiana years ago and then Minnesota more recently. I still travel during the Christmas season, but at least I'm staying in my own state and the hours on the road are far reduced, even when visiting two families in the same day. 'Tis far more pleasant I think, though I do miss the kids.


As is the wont of folk around here, gifts are oft exchanged. I feel quite good about the gifts received. Not only was there a hefty chunk of change from my mother along with a potentially interesting and educational book, there were also two memory-foam pillows and a very nice digital clock/thermometer/remote thermometer from many of the rest of my family. Cheese was also given and gladly received. Sharp cheddar is one of my favorite cheeses. A movie, Aladdin, a good sized gas grill and grill cover were also given to this most unworthy writer from people who treat me better than I deserve. Go figure.

Christmas day was quite enjoyable by my standards. I spent a goodly share of it alone, relaxing in my house. I watched some TV, a couple of movies, finished out season three of M*A*S*H (a birthday present), tended the fire, enjoyed some leftovers and had a very nice nap sometime during the aforementioned television watching. I think it was the episode of M*A*S*H just before Henry Blake goes "home". I also reconfigured my universal remote just a bit. It works much better now, in my opinion. One button turns on the TV, sound system and TiVo. The volume controls actually control the sound system volume now and the guide button actually brings up the TiVo guide. I think I'm going to have to get a JP1 cable of my own so I can configure this thing more thoroughly any time I want instead of borrowing a coworker's. (Done.)

Well, with the fire stoked and much to do in just a few hours, I bid you all a fond good night.



Whenever 'A' attempts by law to impose his moral standards upon 'B', 'A' is most likely a scoundrel. -H.L. Mencken, writer, editor, and critic
Knowing ignorance is strength; ignoring knowledge is sickness. -Lao-Tzu, philosopher (6th century BCE)
The spirit of democracy cannot be imposed from without. It has to come from within. -Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948)
Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it. -Mark Twain, author and humorist (1835-1910)
If you torture data sufficiently, it will confess to almost anything. -Fred Menger, chemistry professor (1937- )
Each has his past shut in him like the leaves of a book known to him by heart and his friends can only read the title. -Virginia Woolf, writer

The second one above regarding ignorance is by far the best, in my opinion. I agree completely with the sentiment.



I enjoyed the movie "Hero" last night. I figured out part of the plot very early on but the entirety remained a mystery until the end. It was a good story with a large amount of Martial Art-type action. Unfortunately, a good share of it was so dramatized (i.e. wire-work) that it wasn't overly useful in furthering my own studies. Still, it was fun to watch and fun to dream of being capable of such things. Even the novice "Moon" was incredibly formidable. I guess it's time for more practice on my part.

I spent the weekend transferring computer components around and rebuilding a couple of systems at home. It was moderately enjoyable as I transferred my work area up to the dining room and half-watched/half-listened to a notable quantity of ST-TNG (Star Trek - The Next Generation). I also assisted a good friend in putting up her Christmas tree. She acquired a large (almost too large) tree from the local YMCA. I have to admit, it looked good, though and that was before any decorations were applied.

Tension and emotions continue to run high as the year draws to a close. I have plans on taking a trip to Florida sometime in January to see two of my dearest friends. Hopefully that will relieve some of the aggravation I've been accumulating recently. If not, then it's back to the wood pile for me. I have a very nice, new, 8 pound maul to try out, anyway and on the dryer and relatively straight pieces, the 3/4 length axe can be swung with sufficient speed and power to blow the remaining shards many feet from their starting point. Yeah kindling. :-)


And Even MORE quotes

High is our calling, Friend!--Creative Art / (Whether the instrument of words she use, Or pencil pregnant with ethereal hues,) / Demands the service of a mind and heart. -William Wordsworth, poet (1770-1850)


Those who insist on the dignity of their office show they have not deserved it. -Baltasar Gracian, philosopher and writer (1601-1658)


Even More Quotes

When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it? -Eleanor Roosevelt, diplomat and writer


I SO agree with this. (Sorry about the poor English usage of the word "so".) It often seems that people are far more willing to seek revenge for a perceived wrong than to help prevent the need for the wrong in the first place. Ah well. I'm sure I'm just as guilty under certain circumstances.


More Quote

Courage without conscience is a wild beast. -Robert Green Ingersoll, lawyer and orator (1833-1899)


I think it could also be termed insanity or possibly even stupidity. *shrug*



Life without industry is guilt, industry without art is brutality. -John Ruskin, author, art critic, and social reformer (1819-1900)
I don't know if I agree with Mr. Ruskin (above), but it was a nice quote at the time.