It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. -Voltaire
Did you ever get the impression that I'm somewhat liberal based on the quotes I post? ;-)
The shallow stream is easily crossed. The shallow mind, even more so.
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. -Voltaire
Anger is power, power for change, power for betterment, power, raw and bloody. Anger can feed your soul, strike down obstacles in your path and fuel your life...
The history of liberty is a history of the limitation of government power, not the increase of it. -Woodrow Wilson, 28th president of the U.S., Nobel peace prize winner (1856-1924)
I played 18 holes of disc golf today for the second time this season. We have a couple of courses (ok, 3) in the Stevens Point area; one is fairly nice and open with only a minor (Wisconsin River) water hazard on a couple of holes while the other could easily be nick-named "The Disc-eating Tree Farm". I have yet to try my hand at the latter but may brave it some day when I'm feeling wealthy or have a desire to get a new set of discs. As for today, I nearly lost my long distance driver in said water hazard. It was a rotten throw to begin with but a bit of wind caught it and drove it deeper into the very wet, mildly slimy, sharp rock and broken glass infested waters. It took several minutes of wading by the three of us before another member of the troupe found it. (Thank you, ma'am.) Thankfully, the same wind kept the mosquitoes from being overly pesky.
He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals. -Immanuel Kant, philosopher (1724-1804)
Pain is such an interesting sensation. Physical pain seems to be a warning that the body is being damaged in some way, by heat, by being cut or crushed, etc. This makes sense. We need some type of warning system to tell us, "Hey, stop that. You're in danger." The really interesting part here is that the sensors that tell us something hurts are the same sensors that tell us if something tickles. Extremely low level tickling can also register as pleasure (...and this coming from a guy who hates to be tickled). So it stands to reason that the same sensors that register pain also register pleasure.
I had the opportunity to serve yesterday. The local TKD group held a belt promotion testing in which I had several students. I was pleased with their performance. Although I only ran one group and only refereed two matches, I felt that I served the group nicely by cleaning up their mess after the show was done. It wasn't exactly something a person of my rank is usually asked to do, but then I wasn't asked. I just happened to come back to the room after returning the hogos to the locked closet on the other end of the building and found that little had been done. Most of the chairs were stacked which I'm grateful for, but some were not and none of the tables had been collapsed or stacked. *shrug* Whatever.
As no roads are so rough as those that have just been mended, so no sinners are so intolerant as those that have just turned saints. -Charles Caleb Colton, author and clergyman (1780-1832)
They're a bit more than two bits ($0.25) these days.
A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist. -Louis Nizer, lawyer (1902-1994)
I've now had the pleasure of seeing both Shrek 2 and Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban. I was a bit worried about the first; there was so much advertising and toys, etc. before it actually came out that I thought it was a marketing scam, but it turned out to be a pretty funny and enjoyable movie, if somewhat predictable. It's definitely one I'll want to get on DVD. There were a lot of fine point details and I'm sure I missed some with only one viewing.
7.46 miles
Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful. -Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, philosopher (1844-1900)
The following is not suitable for children, small farm animals and most house-hold appliances.