And now for something completely different...
A blog with two noses. - Okay, so this blog post won't have two noses. In fact, I doubt it will have any noses at all, but Monty Python has been silly walking through my head for a couple of days and there doesn't seem to be a better way to let it walk out for a while other than to write about it.
Of late, my life has been a little odd. Going through a divorce will do that to you. Trust me on this one. If you think that divorce is a cake-walk, think again. (Of course, if you've ever tried to walk on cake, you might not think that a cake-walk was all that easy, either.) What I've noticed is that certain individuals seem to take more interest in what I'm doing with my life than they do with their own. (Please note: I am NOT referring to me soon-to-be ex. She has been and continues to be very decent about the whole thing.) These other people, on the other hand, seem to believe it necessary to carry information about me back to my soon-to-be ex. Oh well. I guess I can understand it. My super-interesting life can be hard to resist. I feel the pressures of being a celebrity almost everyday. Any more pressure like this and I may have to hire an agent, set up a time to sign autographs and apply for superstardom. (Please note: For those of you not familiar with the concept of sarcasm, the preceding four sentences are meant to be read in a sarcastic fashion. If you are still having difficulty with this, try to imagine a Valley-girl, I am SO sure.)
Get a clue, folks. Mind your own business OR, if you are really interested in my well-being and what I am doing, ask me. The only two from the "old gang"* who have made any concerted effort to be friendly and inviting since my choice of choices have been a recently married couple. Unfortunately, EVERY time they have asked if I wanted to go do something, I have had other, relatively speaking, unchangeable plans. *sigh* Oh well.
*"Old gang" should not be confused with old friends, DA :-)
In other news ... *checks copy sheet* ... never mind, there is no more news. Good night and happy Thanksgiving. We now return you to your regularly scheduled broadcast already in progress.