Parse the ever-expanding wreckage for the bodies of the lost and injured. Carry forward the wounds to let them heal but let the scars fall away. Perhaps something good will come of this.
Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living. -Anais Nin, writer (1903-1977)
I've looked back through this BLOG and realized that I used to be a semi-happy person, or I presented myself that way, anyway. Admittedly, I did have a lot of mood swings. I don't have a lot of those anymore. Most of the time, I'm just depressed. For whatever reason, I'm having a lot of trouble seeing over the edge of the pit I've dug for myself. I think I better keep digging and hope I find water so I can float myself out of here.
As to why I'm depressed, I might just know that one. I think it's because I've seen the potential for what I could do and what I could be but I'm not seeing the means. Maybe, I need to have faith that the details will be worked out and take the plunge. Ah, but plunging in what direction...there's the question. Do I plunge down or up or maybe forward? Maybe, I should just let my cat do my typing for me, though he seems primarily interested in the space bar at the moment.
So what will it take for this "self" to be realized? It will only take a significant adjustment of every outlook I have on life. It will only take a significant realignment of my values and enlightenment of body, mind and soul. Hey, if that's all, no problem. We'll be done by early next week. :p
What is death but a transition from one plane of being to another? It’s easy enough to say until you're the one affected by it. It's still a shock to the system harder than virtually any other. What were the two things that changed people's lives the most? I think it was marriage and death.
Yeah, it's blather tonight. I don't even know what I'm saying. Oh well. Perhaps another night, more sense will be made.
Now I understand why State workers have such a bad reputation. They pour they're very life force into their job and all they get out of it is a lousy pay-check. No matter how much or how little they try, they get the same pay-check. Day in, day out, it matters not. The return on the energy investment is always poor. Thus, people feel less and less like doing anything since the returns are the same. In this setting, more investment does NOT equal more return.