Circular is life. Circular is everything. You never see a planet orbiting a star at right-angles, only circles (or, more accurately, ellipses). The point is, we go around and around and around. Oft times it seems that we sit'n spin while trying to go somewhere or do something in our lives. We start out and find that we come back to our starting point even though we thought we were going straight toward our goal. The difference is, we now have experience. In theory, we should be able to try to proceed toward our given goal again having learned from our past actions. This may not land us where we want to be either, but it should help us gain even more experience. After all, experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted.
In truth, I like to think of life as a spiral. Yes, from one perspective, we circle again and again, but from another perspective, we change height each time we pass a given point. If you can think of a stationary tornado, this example may make more sense. Although an object caught in the outside stream of the tornado would appear (from the top of the tornado) to only be going around in a circle, an observer from the side would note that the object was also going up. Thus, each time the object passed over point X on the ground, it is actually further above the point and thus would have a slightly different perspective on point X as well as anything else it could see. I think this may fall into the same categorical concept as never being able to set foot in the same river twice. By the time you can step in again, that portion of the river has moved on and the whole of the river is different for it.
So, what the heck does all this mean? Who knows? I'm simply trying to make sense of what I observe in my life. As far as I know, we could each be going in tight little circles (not spirals) and this could be Hell or Purgatory. Personally, however, I'm going to try to look on the bright side of things, at least for now.