Conversations in the dark
My father called yester-eve. The original intent of the call was a computer question or two. His are, for the most part, easy enough to answer. But, as is the wont of our conversation, it soon turned to life events and the living there of. This gentlemen is a Catholic convert and a conservative Catholic at that. I do not fault him for his faith. I like to think I have a similar level of faith, though perhaps in a different (type of) deity. I do have some issues with his judgmental attitude. He is so sure he's right, he's so sure Catholicism is the one, true path, he's so sure that unless I change my ways (primarily, so that I would believe in Christ as the only way to Heaven), my immortal soul is doomed to Hell. *shrug* Oh well. If this is the case, then I'll be with my friends, anyway.
Tonight we discuss morality and the concept of gays and lesbians in regard to morality. Since my best friend in this world happens to be a lesbian, you might be able to guess where I stand on this issue. Since he's Catholic, you might be able to guess where he stands on this issue. *sigh* Oh well on that, too. I won't bore you with the rest of the conversation leading down twisted paths of ultimate truth and ultimate morality. It seems to come down to the idea that some believe that there is only one true path, period, while others tend to believe in a multitude of paths which all lead to pretty much the same destination but which tend to offer a variety of life experiences along the way. - Blah, blah, blah.
Seems to be bed time.