I didn't go anywhere for a change. It was so nice. I just stayed mostly in, and caught up on stuff. My girlfriend and I did go out and toss a Frisbee back and forth a bit on Saturday. That was really nice. Alas, the wind eventually caught the thing and stuck it 60 feet up a tree. I doubt it will come down again. It's a flying ring so once it gets lodged on a branch, the chances of it coming down are pretty slim. Oh well. It was only $10 and we actually had a fair amount of fun with it. I'll probably get another sometime soon.
I forgot how much I dislike working on Windows 98 computers until I had to do it again. *Grrr*
I did build a shelf for my cat, today. Due to certain problems, my cat is required to remain confined during the day. The room in which he is confined has a window but until today, had no way for him to look out of the window. I ran to Fleet Farm and acquired the necessary lumber to build a graduated shelving unit. Thus, he can climb it like stairs, look out the window and climb back down. It actually turned out fairly well. I do have some trouble making a square cut with a hand saw but it was close enough on everything concerned. If I do more of this kind of thing, I'll probably have to invest in a circular saw.
Well, time for bed, and then some.