Incomprehensible Blathering

The shallow stream is easily crossed. The shallow mind, even more so.


Wow...grouchy people today, not to mention a few other annoyances picking at me today. Fortunately, "they" didn't start too much until after 6:00. That'll teach me for playing around with a piano. (No, that line has absolutely no significance whatsoever. I just happened to play with one of the pianos in the dance studio today shortly after class.) Personally, I think the whole thing was either a test of my self resolve to control my anger or a rather peculiar string of coincidences. Unfortunately, I don't believe in coincidences anymore.

The first caveat in my evening was a rather unfortunate incident involving two re-breakable boards. They were stacked neatly inside my TKD bag which, in turn, was strapped to my back. As I leaned over to pick up the shield bags, the two boards decided to take a voyage to the floor. Alas, poor Pinky, I knew him well, Horatio. Somehow, both boards managed to land on my little toe. I find it odd since my little toe is just that, little. *shrug* Oh well. Pain, torn skin, a nasty bruise and the necessity to pick up the boards along with a bit of other stuff that had leaked out around the seams all seemed fated. But, my temper remained fully intact. I even tried to embrace and enjoy the pain. (A close friend of mine told me that instead of just enduring wet socks that I should learn to enjoy them. I'm still working on both of those. ;-) )

Finally, the sojourn back to my car was complete after bashing said bag into a couple of doors along the way. I drive to the YMCA where upon I approach the counter, card in hand. Two young ladies are behind the desk but both seem preoccupied with something else. At least one of them saw me come in, but none-the-less, I am left standing at the desk for a good 60 seconds. Finally, another patron comes in and one of the young ladies is kind enough to approch that area of the counter and accept my card for scanning. She does so in a rather condescending fashion and seems even more put-out when I tell her that I also need a key to get into a closet. (The specifics aren't important.) She informs me that my card is expired as of 5/31/2003 and then engages the other patron behind me. I wait until she is done speaking and politely enquire as to how I can un-expire my card. Unfortunately, she must not have been having a very good day as her response, although technically accurate, was quite rude and just a shade snotty. Oh well. Eventually, I was able to acquire the key and take care of the business at hand but I spared a good deal of courtesy along the way. I'm working on enjoying that one, too.

Ah, but all's well that ends well, or so I've been told. A quiet evening of database work, a little TV, some Ramen noodles and a pizza was quite enjoyable. Now I have to go take off my socks and see how that toe is doing.

If you've read this far, I commend you as I can definitely tell that I've been blathering this evening (uhm, okay, morning), I want to tell you something. I know that, from time to time, I come across as a grumpy jerk and I want to tell you that it is seldom if ever actually directed at the people I'm around. I know it may not seem that way, but it really is. I also want to apologize to those of you who read this and actually know me. I'm quite sure that I've been grumpy "near" you, even if it wasn't at you. For that, I apologize. I know you don't need to put up with my bull and I am honestly going to try and behave at least in a slightly more civilized manner. That being said, I hope I can follow through. I have a feeling there will be some seriously trying times ahead. Take care, all.


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