Incomprehensible Blathering

The shallow stream is easily crossed. The shallow mind, even more so.


Lots and none at all basically what's going on right now. I'd like to spend more time posting here or just writing in general, but I've been pretty busy with work, teaching and other sundry. This last weekend, my uncle came over (more like a brother considering he's only six years my senior and how we were raised, etc.) and assisted greatly in the assemblage of a grid for a suspended ceiling. As a matter of fact, he did the lion's share of the work. Last night, I started putting in the tiles, which, surprisingly enough, is going well so far. I've had to cut some for vents and a rather large sewer pipe but even those went fairly well. The other side of the sewer pipe is going to be more interesting and I have to decide how and where I want some electrical boxes that were implanted in the old ceiling.

It's spring break at the moment, which is nice in that I have a little extra time during the day. I need to go through and get my taxes together and get that taken care of this week. I was waiting for something from my ex, but it doesn't look like she's going to get it to me. *shrug* Oh well.

On the good news side, I had my car in last week to have the oil changed and tires rotated along with an examination of the engine as it's been running just a bit off lately. The mechanic indicated that he thought it might be carbon buildup around the EGR valve. The bad part was that it was going to cost a minimum of $75 more to find out and then probably another $300+ to fix the problem. On a whim on Friday morning, I stopped and purchased some gas at a different store than I usually acquire it. Their price hadn't jumped to $2.179 and was still at $2.119 so I decided to fill up quick. I also dropped in a little bottle of injector cleaner. Today, as I started the car, it coughed (for lack of a better term) and then continued running normally. I didn't think anything of it but on the way in to work I noticed that it was running better and that the "Check Engine" light was no longer lit. I may have to stop getting gas at Kwik Trip. I've heard a few other people note that Kwik Trip gas isn't the best, too. *shrug*

And now, for bed.


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