Incomprehensible Blathering

The shallow stream is easily crossed. The shallow mind, even more so.


Office move

The long and the short of it is, three or four of my co-workers and I are being forced to change offices for about a month or two due to demolition of various duct work in the ceiling above our current offices. It stinks. The amount of time it takes to pack up an office and then move to a communal area is phenomenal. The fact that it is communal just came home this evening and as far as I'm concerned, that also stinks. We're stuck in one large room with no dividers other than low counters. *sigh* (Bitch, bitch, bitch. I know, it could be worse.) It's just a lot of time which could be spent on other, more important things. Oh well. On ward and upward?

My girl-friend is awesome. She recently indicated that she wanted to move her computer out of her bedroom and into the dining room. Although I wasn't overly thrilled with the idea, (primarily because of the work involved running more CAT5e network cable) I helped her with the project. It worked okay, but wasn't great as her setup took up most of the dining room table. Then, she indicated that she could put things on a smaller kitchen table which wasn't being utilized. At first, I didn't like that idea because I was worried the table would be too tall for her but it turns out that not only does everything fit (albeit snuggly) but the height is good and she loves it. (The last part there is the most important.) I really like it, too. It gives the user (me, at the moment) a good view out into the back yard as well as being able to watch cooking food in the kitchen or keep an eye on the fire in the wood stove or watch TV, etc. It was a good idea of which she has many. She just has to time the introducing of them correctly so I can hear them. ;-)

I had a conversation this evening with a formerly close friend. I forgot how much I enjoyed talking with her. It was nice. It reminded me of better times under a different sky. Alas, those times are gone and are unlikely to return. I think there was a lot of miscommunication in those days. Oh well, for better or ill, things are.

I miss my friends in Florida. She of my friends who I have known longer than any called me last night for a brief chat while she was getting ready to go on a week-long trip to present at a multitude of workshops. It doesn't help that I'm listening to The Indigo Girls at the moment. This beloved friend of mine introduced me to their gorgeous music some 15 years ago now. My how time flies.

"The sweetest part is acting after making a decision." -Hammer and Nail by the aforementioned Indigo Girls. Perhaps it is time to make a decision.


  • At 3/09/2005 03:15:00 AM, Blogger Merthin said…

    To stay or to go, to keep plodding along in this life I have cut for myself out of the fabric of the Universe or to cut a new pattern from the boundless material, try a new or at least different style of life in another locale with other friends and other goals. Temptation is at hand.


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