Incomprehensible Blathering

The shallow stream is easily crossed. The shallow mind, even more so.


Several days

It's been a few days since I've posted anything and a few more since I've posted anything of my own. A friend of mine had been out of town for a couple of weeks and when said friend returned, we spent some time getting reacquainted. I also purchased a TiVo. The company was offering refurbished units for less than half the price of new AND they came with full warranty. I couldn't say no. Unfortunately, I think I found out why this particular model was sent back. The RF out is faulty. When someone walks across the room, static is produced on the screen. Occasional, it just goes nuts for no reason and gently wiggling the RF out will often produce favorable results. I'm probably going to see what the company can do for me. In the mean time, it is still very enjoyable to watch quality recorded TV and have the ability to bounce through the commercials at break-neck speed. Pausing live TV is also a real benefit. I'm just not sure how much longer I'll actually watch live TV.

There's not much else new. There's always too much work to do at work, or so it seems and now that I've been granted the ability to get overtime, I'm not really interested. What mattered once obviously didn't so why should it matter now? *shrug*


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