Incomprehensible Blathering

The shallow stream is easily crossed. The shallow mind, even more so.



There's a party this evening with the "old gang"; a yearly event which at best is uncomfortable and at worst is positively irksome. Which will it be this year? I don't know. I have a feeling it will be irksome, but who can say until after it is done? It's not that I don't like the people. Individually, they're good. But when all of them are in a single space, I start feeling rather contained. This is a social circle of expectations and since I seldom live up to those expectations, I am somewhat less comfortable. Of course this entire society is made up of expectations. I suppose that's what makes it a society as opposed to just a bunch of people living on the same land mass. :-p *shrug* Oh well. My problem, not theirs. I'll probably leave after the piƱatas anyway.

Look for the pattern among the pieces. See the symmetry in the chaos. Watch for the signs in the babble.

I wonder how long before HTML code supports smilies. ;-)


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